Versions Compared


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  1. Download the latest war of GAE Studio __ add download link __
  2. Extract the content of the war to your preferred location.
  3. Download the latest version of Google Appengine SDK for Java.
  4. Extract the content of the zip to your preferred location.
  5. Using the command line, execute:
    /appengine-java-sdk-x.y.z/bin/ -A __application_id__ -M gaestudio update /path/to/unpacked/gae_studio
  6. Replace __application_id__ by your application ID. You may be asked to enter your email and password.
  7. GAE Studio will be available at


    The project in which you want to plug GAE Studio must respect the following condition:

    1. It must use the Java runtime on Google App Engine

    Versions 0.5 and earlier

    1. Download GAE-Studio
    2. Install gae-studio to your local .m2 by moving within a terminal where you stored GAE-Studio jar file then:

      Code Block
      mvn install:install-file -Dfile=gae-studio-webapp-<VERSION>.jar -DgroupId=com.arcbees.gaestudio -DartifactId=gae-studio-webapp -Dversion=<VERSION> -Dpackaging=jar

    Versions 0.6+

    Starting from version 0.6, GAE Studio is now on maven cental. All you need to do is add the GAE Studio dependency. If you are not using Maven, the jar can still be downloaded from maven central directly.

    Code Block


    Plugging GAE Studio in your project

    If you're using Google Guice and RESTeasy:

    1. Add gae-studio-webapp jar file to your lib folder (if not using Maven)

    2. Modify the appengine-web.xml file and turn on sessions and Channel API

      Code Block
    3. Add into your Guice servlet config:

      Code Block
      import com.arcbees.gaestudio.server.GaeStudioModule;
      public class GuiceServletConfig extends GuiceServletContextListener {
          protected Injector getInjector() {
              // Important: GaeStudioModule needs to be the last one.
              return Guice.createInjector(new ServerModule(), new GaeStudioModule());
    1. Add to your web.xml:

      Code Block

    If you're using Google Guice, but not RESTeasy:

    1. Same as above
    2. Same as above
    3. Same as above

    4. Add to your web.xml:

      Code Block

    If you're not using Google Guice:

    1. Same as above
    2. Same as above
    3. Add to your web xml:

      Code Block

    Running GAE Studio

    1. Compile and/or run the project in which you plugged GAE Studio
    2. Head over to {your application's domain}/gae-studio-admin/
    3. Create an account by clicking on "Don't have an account?"
    4. Enter your license key (for now, it is the beta key you received with your invitation)
    5. Grab a beer